South West Maritime Academy continues to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic both Nationally and Internationally, and the safety of our employees, customers and partners is as ever our top priority.

We have already implemented additional precautions both internally for our staff and externally for our customers, delegates, partners and wider supply chains.

Due to the nature of our services, all our equipment already goes through a rigorous sterilisation process. This also includes using anti-bacterial and anti-viral solutions as standard.

The following processes are already carried out in line with our policies. Many of these processes were in place prior to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As standard, you can expect the following processes from South West Maritime Academy:

  • Any equipment where chemical products cannot be used it is either washed or steam cleaned
  • Items such as breathing apparatus, fire fighting PPE, immersion suits and coveralls will be washed and thoroughly dried to reduce the risk of pathogens.
  • All of our equipment is segregated into “clean” and “dirty” areas to avoid cross contamination.
  • Student screening both on booking (requirements sent along with joining instructions as part of the booking confirmation process) and on arrival (temperature checks and enhanced health declarations) and each day of each course attended.
  • We continue to monitor staff travel in line with our internal policies.
  • High risk, smooth non-porous, surfaces where the virus can survive longer will be cleaned with anti bacterial and anti viral chemical solutions to ensure a high pathogen kill
  • Additional sanitiser stations have been added to throughout the training centre and office entry.
  • Additional advice signage has been added to service centres and offices such as; “Catch it, Bin it, Kill” it as well as specific advice for educational sectors
  • Hand washing advice has been added into welfare facilities
  • We have increased cleaning routines with specific instructions to daily disinfect all frequently touched surfaces.
  • We have also nominated internal staff to clean down frequently touched areas throughout the day.
  • No external face to face meetings will take place until further notice.
  • Provision of antibacterial hand washes, soap and sanitiser in all toilet facilities, as well as disposable hand-drying paper towels.
  • All full and part time staff have signed up to Public Health England Alerts.
  • We have communicated with our partners and supply chain on the actions we have taken and ensure that they are also implementing similar control measures.
  • Changed the layout of classrooms to satisfy any distance requirements as per UK Government guidelines.
  • Staggered comfort breaks to avoid any unnecessary large groups of individuals in the canteen allowing for additional cleaning between breaks.
  • Increased and class-specific hot drink facilities to reduce risk of unnecessary course mixing.
  • Course attendance numbers have been strictly limited to ensure any required social distancing can be maintained. Those attending are invited to wear face coverings when in the classroom as per UK Government guidelines.
  • Ventilation in enclosed learning areas to help reduce any spread risks.
  • Course programmes have been changed to ensure delegates are spaced out throughout the training site during their time with us.
  • Cancellation of attendance on a specific course due to Covid-19 symptoms, positive LFT or restrictions on travel/date availability caused directly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic will be honoured with the offer of an alternate date for said training.

What We Expect From Those Training With Us:

  •  All those training with us must inform us immediately if they experience any potential Covid-19 symptoms prior to attending training with us, or it they are contacted or ‘pinged’ by UK Track and Trace service.
  • All those arriving to attend training must stop at the reception building and have their temperature taken on each and every day of their course(s).
  • If an individual student or instructor on any given course is ‘pinged’ by track and trace, had a household member ‘pinged’ OR themselves tests positive for Covid-19 then all those attending said course will be required to take a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) supplied by South West Maritime Academy and wait in a group isolates area of the facility until results are returned.
  • Refusal to take a LFT or have temperature checks is each student’s prerogative, however individual refusal to partake in these safety measures will result in refusal for the individual to attend/continue any course in the interests of the safety and well being of all others on said course.
  • A positive LFT, or development of symptoms, on a course may result in course suspension pending a further PCR test result for the individual(s) concerned. No booking will be lost as a result of this should it happen, and courses will be rearranged to ensure you have the opportunity attain the training you have booked and paid for.
  • South West Maritime Academy expects all students to be respectful of others’ concerns, personal space with relation to social distancing and health and well being.
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Internal control measures relating to employees:

  • Where possible, we are encouraging video conferencing for meetings and reducing all nonessential travel.
  • Ensure sick leave policy is flexible and consistent with public health guidance and that employees are reminded of these policies.
  • Employees who have potential symptoms relating to Covid-19 (including acute respiratory illness, temperature of 37.8°C etc) are required to self-isolate for a period of 10 days as per the current UK Government guidelines and deliver a negative Covid-19 test result. Before returning to work after illness or isolation, employees must be clear of signs of a fever and any other potential Covid-19 symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants) and deliver a negative Covid-19 test result.
  • Ensure adequate provision of antibacterial hand washes, soap and sanitiser in all toilet and wash room facilities
  • Inform employees that some people may be at higher risk for severe illness, such as older adults and those with chronic medical conditions, as well as those will invisible illnesses or disabilities which may make them be, or feel, more vulnerable.
  • Ask Managers to prepare for possible increased numbers of employee absences due to staff illness or their family members, and to have contingency measures or practices in place should this be required.
  • Cross-train team members (if relevant) to perform essential duties so that the businesses can operate if key staff members are absent.
  • Reduce physical contact such as handshaking.
  • Staff returning from leave will be contacted prior to their return to work to check if they have visited any high-risk areas. Anyone who has visited a high-risk area will be advised to self-isolate, as per any current UK Government advise.
  • We are reviewing the working from home policy and arranging additional facilities to enable wider remote working where appropriate and practical.

We will continue to follow the World Health Organisation and UK Government guidelines relating to COVID-19.

Given the changing nature of the situation, our control measure and policies surrounding COVID-19 may change and be updated. We will continue to communicate these where applicable.

Our aim is to provide critical safety and compliance equipment in the safest environment possible.

Follow our social media and we will keep you updated where appropriate.